Julianna Delgado is an astrologer based out of Savannah, Georgia. She offers private astrological coaching based on the energies of your birth chart.
A birth chart is the celestial snapshot of your soul the moment you were born. If you’re looking for information about your cosmic gifts, life purpose, as well as insight into your timing and cycles, a chart reading can provide all of that and more.
The birth chart is an incredible tool for self-awareness and can be used to help one make sense of personal themes in this lifetime. We will work together to uncover more about who you are, why you are here, and how to turn pain into power.
My own astrological journey has led me to amazing teachers, guides, friends, and community. Astrology is magic. It is psychology. It is art. It is science. It is wisdom. It is… so many things all combined into one cosmic language. Highly tailored to your unique soul print, and incredibly personal, we use the empowerment of the chart to help you navigate life’s changing cycles, challenges, and gifts.